Monday, December 8, 2014

FDR's First Inaugural Address

Please use the link below to access FDR's First Inaugural Address OR click on the video below (sometimes the embedded videos don't work properly...just giving you options!).

Semester Exam Review Guide

Please use the link below to access your Semester Exam Review Guide.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Unit Connection: Bison Population in the US

After watching America the Story of Us: Heartland, some of you asked about the bison population in this country. See the link below for some info on the subject...


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Course Syllabus and Founding Documents Unit Syllabus

Interdisciplinary Honors American History and Honors English 1 Course Syllabus- 1st Period ONLY

Honors American History Course Syllabus

Founding Documents Unit Syllabus

Welcome to Honors American History for the 2014-2015 school year!

Hello Students and Parents!

Please reference this blog for copies of our unit syllabuses, review guides, current event topic connections to our curriculum, calamity day assignments (in the event we have too many), and other topics of interests. Occasionally, my sweet Ella may make an appearance because who doesn't love a baby?!

I may post items which only pertain to my 1st Period Interdisciplinary (ID) Honors American History class. I will make sure to note this in the post heading.

Please use my school email for communication:


Friday, June 13, 2014

Will Iraq Fall Again?

New Terror in Iraq.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The passing of Jeremiah Denton, Vietnam POW and US Senator

Sad news, kiddos. When we watched Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam, you were introduced to a heroic man named Jeremiah Denton. He was the brave patriot who was held as a POW for almost 8 years in Vietnam (remember his own teenage son grew up, served in Vietnam, and returned to the US during his dad's captivity). He just died :( Rest in peace, sir.

Below I have a link for the news release on his death. I also posted a short 5 mins clip on Mr. Denton's captivity.;_ylt=A0LEVzm3_zVTYFsAsVBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0Nml0YmltBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDA1MF8x

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

One World Trade Center

9/11. I was a Senior at WSHS. Like all Americans, I was horrified by what I saw on TV. I feel like I cried for days. I cried for those trapped in the towers and on the planes. I cried for our heroic firemen and police officers who willingly gave up their lives for others. I cried for the Moms and Dads who lost their children. For the children, who lost their parents. For the wives and husbands denied the pleasure of growing old together. I cried for my classmates who I knew would sign up for the military.

In the Fall of 2011, my husband and I visited NYC. We made a point to visit the World Trade Center Memorial. It is simple, beautiful, and haunting. At that time, construction crews were building One World Trade Center.

I love this building. It is proud and defiant. It shows strength and courage. 

It sends a clear message: We're Americans. We stand for freedom. We don't wilt in the face of tyranny- never have and hopefully never will.

Yea, I'm pretty much in love with our country. And no, I'm not kidding.

The link below will take you to the top of One World Trade Center.

Here are some pictures I took of the World Trade Center Memorial and One World Trade Center.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

"Ich bin ein Berliner" and President Reagan's Address at the Brandenburg Gate

The Ukrainian Situation

Russian aggression? Eastern Europe under threat? Calls for NATO's intervention?

Hmmm, sounds like something we've heard before...

The map above shows the percentage of various Ukrainian populations for which Russian is their native language.
Currently, there are Russian troops occupying Crimea.
As you can see from the map, over 75% of citizens in Crimea have described Russian as their native tongue. This suggests very strong ties, politically, culturally, economically, etc, to Russia. 
Did you know the Soviet Union gifted Crimea to Ukraine in 1954?

Putin, Cuba, and a little John McCain

Check out the video link below. The Cold War doesn't seem like such a distant history unit over the last few days.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

American Patriots

Of students who shared their chosen "American Patriot" in class today, these were the most frequently mentioned amongst my five classes.

Top Left: President George H.W. Bush
Top Right: Marcus Luttrell, former US Navy SEAL, Navy Cross recipient, author "Lone Survivor"
Bottom Left: Michael Murphy, former US Navy SEAL, Medal of Honor recipient (posthumously awarded, Operation Red Wings, Afghanistan)
Bottom Right: President Ronald Reagan 

Korean War Pt 2?

No, North Korea did not attack South Korea today...

Stop getting your info from random people on Twitter, kiddos!

I found this fitting for our unit.

North Korea from space = black hole between China and South Korea. #NoFreedomNoProsperityNoLight

Cold War Review Guide

Please use the link below to access our unit review guide.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Some of you asked for pics of the baby girl. Enjoy :)

Ella was a whopping 4lbs 13oz when we brought her home from the hospital.

Ella's first Thanksgiving.

Ella loves "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?".

My snow bear!

Reading "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

Ella's first Christmas!




Her Sunday best!

Yes, a cupcake hat.