Monday, November 28, 2016

Wilson's Fourteen Points- My Summary

Wilson’s Fourteen Points

       General outline for international peace.
       Wilson hoped that the world could “be made safe for every peace-loving nation which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression.”
       1) open, public alliances
       2) freedom of the seas
       3) free, open trade (no restrictions)
       4) reduction of weapons (ensure domestic security)
       5) self-determination (power to make decisions about one’s own future- directed toward ethnic groups under colonial power specifically)
       6) treating Russia as an independent nation
       7) Belgium re-built, free and sovereign
       8) France evacuated and restore Alsace-Lorraine to France
       9) Italian borders re-arranged to include ethnic Italians (located in former Austria-Hungary)
       10) people of Austria-Hungary should have opportunity of self-determination
       11) Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro – all free (economic, political) w/self-determination for ethnic groups
       12) self-determination for Turkish people and other nationalities previously under Ottoman Empire; Dardanelles Strait open, free for all
       13) independent, sovereign Poland

       14) international organization committed to peace, political independence, and territorial freedom (proposed League of Nations)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Honors Fourteen Points Analysis Questions

Wilson’s Fourteen Points Analysis

1) What do you believe Wilson’s overall goal was in composing his Fourteen Points speech?

2) Summarize each of his points (limit to one sentence, be concise).

3) How would you describe Wilson’s attitude toward Germany? Use quotes from the text to support your response.

4) Which point do you feel is most important for Wilson to include in order to achieve his overall goal from Question 1? Explain your choice. 

Image result for woodrow wilson 14 points

Regular WWI Maps

Use the following link to access your WWI maps: Reg WWI Maps

Honors Practice Maps

Click on the link below to access blank practice maps for your map assessment on Tuesday:

blank practice maps

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Honors 3rd Pd Questions

Kipling's "The White Man's Burden" Analysis Questions

1)List the words Kipling used to describe imperialized people (nouns, adjectives, etc).
2)According to Kipling, and in your own words, what was the “White Man’s Burden”?
3)How does Kipling address the cost of imperialism?
4)What issue does the last stanza address?

5)Who does Kipling think would read his poem? What do you think this audience might have said in response to it?

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Honors Industrialization through Progressivism Docs

Click here for your New Inventions homework.

To access your unit review guide, click here for part one of your unit exam. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Unit Syllabus- Honors and Regular American History

Click on a link below to access your unit syllabus

Honors Historic Documents Unit Syllabus   periods 3,4, and 8

Regular Historic Documents Unit Syllabus  periods 6 and 7

Image result for american revolution

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! I look forward to working with you :)

Please use this site to view/obtain additional copies of your unit syllabus, review guides, and other educational materials.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through my school email.

Mrs. C

Image result for america

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

End of Year (yes!) Resources

War on Terror Review Guide

Blank Practice Middle East Maps

2nd Semester Exam Review Guide

Remember for your Semester Exam, you may make a 3x5 in. "cheat sheet" note card. It must be the specified size and handwritten. You may use both sides.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Regular Social Transformations Unit Syllabus

Click for your new unit syllabus: Social Transformations Syllabus

Honors Affluent Society Homework

Click on the link below to access the picture packet representing important aspects of the "Affluent Society" in Postwar America.

Affluent Society


1) Read Ch 14, Sec 2.

2) Look at each picture. Identify which aspect of the "Affluent Society" the picture represents and write it on your response sheet's corresponding line.

For example: Picture B represents the "Baby Boom".

3) After identifying the aspect of society represented in the picture, write the most important information associated with that topic found in your text (write this on your response sheet in the "Main Idea/Notes" section).

* Pictures are not listed in order as the topics in the text.

Honors Social Transformation Unit Syllabi

Click on your class period below to access your unit syllabus. Each syllabus is slightly different due to our testing schedule in April. Thanks!

4th period only

7th period only

8th period only

Practice Cold War Maps

blank Cold War maps