Tuesday, March 11, 2014

One World Trade Center

9/11. I was a Senior at WSHS. Like all Americans, I was horrified by what I saw on TV. I feel like I cried for days. I cried for those trapped in the towers and on the planes. I cried for our heroic firemen and police officers who willingly gave up their lives for others. I cried for the Moms and Dads who lost their children. For the children, who lost their parents. For the wives and husbands denied the pleasure of growing old together. I cried for my classmates who I knew would sign up for the military.

In the Fall of 2011, my husband and I visited NYC. We made a point to visit the World Trade Center Memorial. It is simple, beautiful, and haunting. At that time, construction crews were building One World Trade Center.

I love this building. It is proud and defiant. It shows strength and courage. 

It sends a clear message: We're Americans. We stand for freedom. We don't wilt in the face of tyranny- never have and hopefully never will.

Yea, I'm pretty much in love with our country. And no, I'm not kidding.

The link below will take you to the top of One World Trade Center.


Here are some pictures I took of the World Trade Center Memorial and One World Trade Center.

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